Practice management
Mrs Carley Wilkinson
Carley Wilkinson is the Practice Manager who is in overall charge of the 22 non medical support staff, comprised of departmental managers, receptionists, secretaries, apprentices, pharmacy technicians and cleaners.
Emma Rochester
Emma Rochester is the HR and Premises Manager and is responsible for the overall human resources needs of the staff and also has the overall responsibility of the oversight of the maintenance and upkeep of the building.
Administration department
Mr Benjamin Lawrence
Administration Supervisor
The administration department works separately to the reception team. They work hard and strive to invite patients for routine screening appointments, deal with the large number of notes that flow through the surgery and deal with all documents entering the surgery, to name but a few of their many tasks.
Mrs Venita Roderick
Reception Senior Supervisor
Our receptionists are trained to give you a helpful service, but to do so they need accurate information. This ensures we remain efficient and prevents mistakes being made. Please try to remember that they have a difficult job trying to fit a maximum number of patients into the working day, hence their need to question you closely to establish the degree of urgency. All our staff are bound by the same rules of confidentiality as the doctors.
Our secretaries deal with the large number of patient referrals that are made to the many areas of the health service. They strive to process these as efficiently and as quickly as possible with the information that they are given. The have many other tasks within their role.