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What is domestic abuse?

Domestic abuse is a pattern of behaviour characterised by episodes of control and misuse. It includes any violent or abusive behaviour by a parter, ex partner or close family member.

This abuse can take many forms:

  • Physical violence, including assaults
  • Sexual violence including forcing someone to do something against their will
  • Emotional or mental abuse
  • Threats, intimidation or bullying
  • Controlling behaviour and isolating from family and friends
Who is affected by domestic abuse?

Domestic abuse affects women, men and children in all sections of society. It is associated with mental health issues, stress and homelessness, as well as physical injury. Children living with domestic abuse suffer significant stress, which can be displayed in a number of ways including bed wetting, poor health, loss of concentration and poor academic performance and communication skills.

Children are sometimes used as a tool to coerce partners into reconciliation or in participating in the abuse. The long-term effects are profound leaving some children to become the next generation of perpetrators and victims.

Abusers will attempt to justify their behaviour as being caused by stress, substance misuse, low self-esteem, unemployment or insecurity. However the real reason is a desire to exercise power and control.

1 in 4 women and an estimated 1 in 6 men experience domestic abuse in their lifetime, regardless of class, ethnicity or sexual orientation.

Help for victims of domestic abuse

There are many ways of obtaining help. All doctors and nurses at St. Neots are aware of the difficulties victims may face in doing so and are happy to offer confidential support and advice. There are also a number of specialist services throughout Plymouth.

  • Plymouth Domestic Abuse Service (Emotional and Practical Support) 01752 252 033 (Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm)
  • Police Domestic Abuse Investigation Unit (Specialist Abuse Investigators) 01752 720 518 / 08452 777 444
  • Victim Support (National Support Line whether or not police are involved) 0845 676 10 20
  • National Women’s Aid helpline (Access to 24-hour emergency refuge accommodation as well as information and advice, including safety planning) 0800 2000 247 (24-hour)
  • SEEDS Plymouth (Women’s forum providing support) 01752 777 3265
  • MALE (Confidential helpline for men who experience violence from their partners or ex-partners) 0808 801 0327 (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, 10am to 1pm, 2pm to 5pm)

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